Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm back

It’s been brought to my attention that I haven’t been posting enough things.
Truth be told, I haven’t had a reason to – not much to like these days.
  •          “Glee” has been a giant disappointment ever since Finn and Rachel broke up.
  •           The Winter weather is proof that the 2012 is approaching and we’ll all be dead soon.

To make up for it, here's an extra long list with shorter descriptions. It's like Hannukah but without the Maccabees. 

These are things I really really really like right now.

Beyonce not being pregnant
She’s not pregnant. There’s still a chance for me. So…. Not much else to say.

Such a tease.

It’s like that thing when Bill Hader on SNL recommends what to do in New York City, which is inevitably the latest club characterized as a “coked-up gay Candyland” by Seth Meyers. It’s fun to see how long Hader can last without laughing. Here’s one of his best:
The facebook for clothes. Inspired in part by the “Sartorialist”, it’s a collection of different styles inspired and photographed by regular rich kids like yourself.
Fair warning: overwhelming amount of hipsters. You can almost make a drinking game out of every time you see a fedora, oversized sweaters from a thrift store, and bow ties.  Drink two if you feel bad about yourself and/or the clothes aren't from this century. Finish your drink if you see a picture of someone walking through a field for no apparent reason.

You wish you were this chill.

Daryl Wein’s “Breaking Upwards”
Indie movie about the real breakup of the actors who play themselves in the movie. Andrea Martin is in it and the dialog is witty without being all “Gilmore Girls” pretentious. Not that I’ve ever seen “Gilmore Girls”, I’ve just heard Alexis Bleidel is really pretentious. Daryl Wein won the Grand Jury Prize at the Brooklyn International Film Festival, as well as Best Narrative Feature Film, and the Audience Award at the Little Rock Film Festival. Favorite part of the movie: the Sader meal wherein Wein’s character’s mom ruins everything. A picture of how dysfunction and co-dependency can make you really really happy. (I'm just kidding - that's literally impossible.)

Jewish love.
The new prank phone call. Theo Von, stand up comedian and general neer-do-well, texts a random number and sees what kind of mischief he can get into. Von doesn’t discriminate against his victims; every age, creed, color, and race get pranked and Von is clever enough to know how to piss them all off. Categorized by theme, my favorites are the “Requested by” in which visitors to the website can ask Von to crank text a friend and provide him with extra information to really embarrass the target. You’ll also find the random images he pulls off of Google to disguise himself hilarious (he likes fat chicks and juice heads).

Don't respond.

Girl Talk’s “All Day”
A 70 minute mash-up encompassing every song you can ever think of. White it’s impossible to listen to the whole thing in one sitting, just pick a spot to start in the song and play until you can’t dance anymore (or until you develop epilepsy). The only negative is that I have yet to hear a Bieber song on it. Girl Talk is a mash-up artist from Pittsburgh who puts on outrageous shows that I have yet to attend. He can’t sell his music commercially because none of it is original material. I have no idea how to tell you to download it yourself, but if you’re hip enough, he’ll find you.

His laptop is wrapped in Saran Wrap to protect it from sweat at his shows.
He's that great.

Also, stay tuned* for a dating guide by my colleague Nick Willcox and I.

We know everything about the subject so it’s a valuable font of information and how-to’s.

*Probably not going to happen because we're both super busy with other things and we barely ever work on it.

Next up - Christmas things I like. 
Only if I have time and I don't get distracted.