Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Soulpancake.com :  Founded in 2009 by Rainn Wilson (Dwight from "The Office")Soulpancake is an online community aimed at asking and answering life's big questions. Questions range from age-old philosophical queries like "Who is God?" to simple creative activities challenging users to "Paint Your Hate." While there are a bevy of pseudo-intellectual hipsters attempting to convince themselves of their own atheistic beliefs, it seems there is a certain contingency of enlightened people out there. The emo-girls with the fake Ray-ban glasses lament their daddy issues, the young future Ted Hughes's always answer in blank verse, and just about everyone thinks they're right about everything.  And while a lot of the questions can't be answered with a few quick sentences, they do provide for some serious thinking and contemplation. If nothing else, it provides good entertainment for an underwhelming workday. Check it out here:

Anyone can now publish terrible poetry.

Alexander Wang Tees : Somehow Affliction is still making money off of their tee shirts. Its probably largely due to the fantastic fist-pumping douches on "Jersey Shore". However, Alexander Wang's new line of men's and women's tees are like the direct antithesis to tight fitting "vintage" tees. Deliberately pulled to give an out-of-bed feel, the shirts are designed to be comfortable and wear resistant. Unfortunately, the pieces of shit are upwards of $70, making it impossible for me to buy one. Thanks to today's Do-It-Yourself style options, you can probably by an XL and stretch the hell out of it, ultimately giving you the same effect. Oh, and insert Alexander Wang joke here.

$70 for this bullshit.

Cinnamon in coffee: Coffee is good. Coffee laced with cinnamon? Exponentially better. Not even going to pontificate on this. I usually just sprinkle some in to my cup but I hear you can actually add the cinnamon into the coffee grounds before it starts brewing. Literally, the only thing better than this is probably cinnamon added to beer.

It'll feel like you're on "Friends"

Watching people trip: You're having a bad day. You see a guy trip. You're not gonna not smile.

Enjoy this video.

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