Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More Stuff

Teen heart-throbs in "real" roles: Efron and DiCaprio are best bro's. They seat court side at Laker's games, probably talk about the biz, and then, I'm assuming, share a bottle of dry Riesling while watching old Corey Haim movies. It's a poetic match since DiCaprio already lived Efron's life (well, sans singing and dancing and guyliner). As a former teen heart-throb himself, Leo knows exactly what Mr. Bolton is going through. And now long graduated from Disney High School, Efron is trying to be smart about his choices. He's said in several interviews (not that I follow him or anything) that he really respects and admires Leo and he really hopes to follow along the same career path. It's a little like watching a toddler put on his daddy's suit coat and dress shoes and try to walk around Hollywood. Before St. Cloud, Efron starred in the screen adaptation of Robert Kaplow's book Me and Orson Welles. He played Richard, a high school student struggling with the demands of theater. What a stretch. But Efron's not the only one. Edward Cull- sorry... Robert Pattinson has been trying on different shoes as well. He got his breakthrough by playing a sensitive, effeminate, brooding vampire. But while he was in the midst of receiving accolades for Twilight, Pattinson decided to go for it as a serious actor. Playing the genius Salvador Dali is probably pretty difficult but Pattinson really pulled off the sensitive, effiminate, brooding qualities of the Surrealist painter. 
Bottom line: It's about time for Hollywood, nay - AMERICA to look at these young men as legitimate thespians. What's next for Efron and Pattinson? Efron is in rumored to play Jonny Quest. You know - that cartoon character from the 70's. And Pattinson is working on finishing up the Twilight saga. Just a matter of time before one of them plays Macbeth.

"So just be real with me, brah... The top falls over at the end, right?"

Vanilla Vodka and Coke: My favorite drink for the longest time has been the Gin and Tonic. It's classic, it's refreshing, and it makes you really, really angry. But as much as I love sending the requisite apology texts after a night at the bar, I'm getting a little tired of the G&T. That's why I recommend to you all Vanilla Vodka and Coke. Not expensive, really delicious, and none of the crippling emotional side effects that you get with gin. Only con is that it's kind of a bitch drink.

Russia meets America. (in a good way)
Maggie: What? I'm not going to not post adorable pictures of my niece.

Justin Bieber: Face it. He's talented. And if you haven't heard "That Should Be Me" yet, you're an idiot.
Danced to hard. I can totally relate.

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