Monday, November 8, 2010


"Gone Baby Gone" - Raise your hand if you haven't seen "Gone Baby Gone". Now use the same hand to smack yourself in the face. To avoid ruining the movie, I won't give any major plot points or thematic elements away. Nonetheless, see the movie for these reasons:

1.Amy Ryan as a coke-addict.

2. Ben Affleck as director completely redeems himself from "Gigli" and "Daredevil" and "Paycheck" and "Jersey Girl" and "Surviving Christmas" and "He's Just Not That Into You" and "Man About Town".

3. Morgan Freeman.

4. Losing any standard of morality that you thought you had.

See. this. movie.

Suiting up: Nothing gives you a false sense of superiority like wearing a nice suit where a nice suit isn't necessary. Thanks to Barney Stinson (played by Doogie Howser, M.D.) from "How I Met Your Mother", suiting up has led to multiple puns and even a Suit-Up Day on Facebook. Suiting-up is  not meant to be a joke and an attitude of intense apathy toward the non-suited must be donned as well. When asked why you're so dressed up, simply shrug and walk away while sipping on anything other than beer. And if you see other suited-up brethen, simply pass along a knowing glance. But do not speak to them. At all.

This is the goal.
Unnecessary cab rides: Sure you may have a car to drive. But getting a taxi to take you home is fun, an opportunity to meet someone new, and saves you gas*. Also, it's the only legitimate reason to yell "CABS HERE" in a crowded social setting. Otherwise, you're just a douche.

The voice of our generation.

*Dependent on cab fare.

Diana Agron's blog:  Click here to read it.
Posted a picture in my last entry. The Southern Belle is essentially a living, breathing Disney princess. Not to mention she's well-read, talented, and a little dorky (the perfect mixture of woman.)


 And I'll leave you with Chilean miner Edison Pena singing "No Tesla" on Letterman:

Click the picture: 

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