Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Read books, not tweets.
2011 Oscar Nominees
"Omg, he's going to give his opinion on the movies this year, like anyone cares."

Shut up, it's my blog and I'll do what I want. My predictions:

Best Picture: Out of the 65 that were nominated, the one about the lesbian who turns into a duck looks promising. So does the one about the lesbian parents. Or "Toy Story 3".

Best Actress : Meryl Streep in whatever movie she was in this year.

Best Actor: Mark Zuckerberg

Best Supporting Actress: Jane Lynch

Best Supporting Actor: The coffin from "Buried"

Best Animated Feature : Shrek 4

That's all I'm really qualified to comment on.

Snubbed. But there's still the Grammy's.
Deactivating Facebook
Partly because I'm paranoid about Big Brother keeping tabs on me and partly because I became disturbed with how much time I was wasting, I let go of my facebook account. Its been pretty liberating for the old head potato. Where my mind was being occupied by pithy statuses, it's now taken over by quotes from "Jersey Shore". I used to be obsessed with pictures from parties and weddings I couldn't make it to and now, I can commit myself to living vicariously only through television. Instead of getting my news from posts on friends' walls, I'm now disturbingly ignorant of current events. I'm no longer fettered by an insane desire to know 25 things about people I haven't talked to since high school. Mark Zuckerberg no longer has his billion-dollar-propbably-soft-as-hell hands on my soul.

Thank God for twitter though. #AmIright?

This picture itself is tempting me to reactivate.
Raven-Symone not stopping ever
Remember the precocious girl from "The Cosby Show"? No, not Rudie. The other one that got the show on Disney Channel and could see into the future and then got the TV-movie franchise about half-woman, half-cat hybrids "CheetahGirlzzzz". Well, despite Culture's best effort to make her fall into obscurity, ABC Family has picked up a new show starring Raven called "The Great State of Georgia" about a struggling actress trying to make it in NYC. I'm really hoping its a musical-comedy because "Glee" really needs some competition. And I cannot WAIT for sassy, black woman one-liners. "Oh no you dih-int, Hollywood Foreign Press Association."

"You heard what I said, Cosby."
Nothing makes you feel more alive than playing a game of Trivial Pursuit.
The thrill of knowing what an apiarist is and screaming at your friend's face is indescribable.
But euphoria is followed by a subtle, thunderous rage at how your "friend" is okay with robbing you of your pie-pieces, the tangible representation of your four years at a university.
But later, after you've spent considerable time stewing in resentment and building a small Keystone Light pyramid, you are fielded a Sports & Leisure question for the win.
Your face flushes with embarrassment.but only for a second because soon you realize you know the answer.
And after bellowing loudly, "Eva Longoria" from the netherest of your regions, you stand, a monument to knowledge and culture, a buoy in a stormy sea of the illiterate and banal and give a hearty "Suck it" to everyone in the room.

Initially named "Wheel of Death"
Apparently, eating vegetables is good for you.
My new favorite thing is grilling asparagus, green beans, snap peas, onion, mushroom, and green pepper in olive oil.
Or try the Terra chips that look like potpourri cause they aren't bad if you're absolutely starving.

Vegetables - approved and endorsed by the Bible.

Currently Reading: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen - Novel about a traveling circus set in Depression era starring Edward Cullen and Reese Witherspoon

Currently listening: Colin Hay

On a serious note, please remember in your thoughts and prayers the soul of Tony Arredondo, who passed away on January 28.


  1. never thought the day would come when you posted again! you never fail to astound me with your witty one-liners and descriptions. you are so talented, chadwick!

  2. love. and i'm totally trying the veggie recipe.
